Wonder Of Science Essay: Experience It




It would be a bit dissimilar if you read this content. Generally, when the talk is about the wonder of science, we think about the great inventions by the great scientists.

But here this article” wonder of science essay ” will take you around yourself.

“wonder of science essay “article will focus your mind on your daily based things, which is science-based.

Definitely, I will explain this topic by taking you into my daily routine, so that you will also connect by yourself and will be thankful for realizing the importance of science in your daily based activities.

It will be quite interesting, as you continue to read and you will see your home utensils and the things around you at your home from a different angle. I am sure, you will get to know new things and will tend to search for something interesting after reading this article.



Yes, it is true, there is a wonder of science everywhere. I would like to share the daily life events, in which we see the science behind it. You will wonder, that we always do many kinds of activities, uses many kinds of things and take many experiences. 

Numerous things, which is based on Science. But we don’t observe it from the deeper level. Some examples, I am going to explain, I hope you will like it and you will enhance and feel your knowledge.



You will feel amazing by reading the article “wonder of science essay” when you see the daily life-based examples. You will also feel like experiencing it. If we see all around, so in everything we can find the science. This time I am sitting in my bedroom, I can see raining outside from the door.

We know very well, there is also a science behind the raining through the process of vaporization, cloud formation, condensation, then it starts raining.


This time, I am also experiencing a slowly-slowly blowing wind. The temperature and pressure differences between the air masses drives the circulation patterns of air. We know that moving air is called wind.

After writing some times and connecting with you, [which obviously is the gift of science and technology through which we are connected]. I will rush to the kitchen and will prepare the dinner.

I will look forward to some vegetables and pulses for dinner, which is the source of the plant kingdom. I will find its root, stem, leaves, fruits, seeds and flower of the vegetables, which we have read about the plant parts when we were in 7th and 8th standard.

(I mean to say that every part of the vegetable plant is an edible part. For example Radish, Carrot is the edible root part, cauliflower, broccoli is the flower part, cabbage is the leaf part, ginger is the underground stem, pumpkin, bottle guard are the example of fruits, eggplant ( brinjal) is the edible fruit with seed).

I will use a mixer grinder for making the spice and a food processor for making the dough. If we see in the kitchen, there are many things which is obviously the gift of science.

Earlier for grinding the spices we used grindstones. Which required a lot of energy, time and labour, but it’s the science, which saved our energy, time and labour.

After taking meals and before taking meals, we all know how healthy is to wash our hands from a hygienic point of view, as the foam of the soap/liquid handwash will kill the germs.

At night, I will serve the milk, which is again full of protein and casein protein that occur in this animal source product, which is highly beneficial for health.

After taking meals it is good to take sleep in proper time. Having sleep of sufficient hours, which is varied in child, adolescence, young and adult and sometimes depend on person to person and their health conditions.

At this sleeping time, our body’s physiological processes go on like as the brain stores new information and get rid of toxic wastes, the body repairs cells and restore the energy etc.

Early in the morning, we wake up and take a glass of water, which is very essential because minerals occur in our mouth. Minerals again go to our body, which is highly beneficial for us.

When we go for a brisk walk, everyone knows how it is important for us and how our body goes through scientific processes.

Besides our daily routine household chores, in each field, there are miracles of science. Even through which I connect with you because of the wonders of science.



Nowadays, kids are taking online classes, working people are doing work from home. They are attending their meetings and connecting with their staff through technology. They connect with people globally through technology.

Could we really imagine our life without these technologies and the wonders of science?

Just take the example like, you are without television, android mobile, newspaper, electricity for a single day.

Today, android has become life’s most important part. We can not do any task without the help of android phones.

Early in the morning, we take the newspaper, from which we gain a lot of knowledge from our surroundings, from different fields. We get entertained. Multi things, in one newspaper we can find. It is also the discovery of science, as printing machines print the papers and papers that come from wood. These all things are technology-based things.

We can not live without electricity, not a single hour. In fact, in summer, and in winter, not a couple of minutes and seconds, we can live without electricity.

We know, electricity builds up from the dam, and the coal. How difficult is the dam-building process?. How many ultra-modern machines are used in this process?.

How does the water-energy convert into electricity? and how it is supplied in different states for different purposes?.

This is also a good example of science and technology-based.



There are many examples, which proves the wonder of science around you. But the article “wonder of science essay” will focus on a few examples that you will experience as you read ahead.



We all have vehicles at our homes. Vehicles have become a basic need in this modern world. Due to giving the value of the time, it is necessary to keep vehicles at our home.


Vehicles are also a very good example of Science and Technology. If you see the video of manufacturing the vehicles, you will be amazed by seeing the machine and their work.



 Many of us must have seen the construction of bridges, tunnels, buildings and roads. The machine we see while travelling compel us to think about the importance of science and technology. 



Buildings, offices, houses are well constructed nowadays. You can imagine your surrounding. How ultra-modern technology has been used?. Every design, technology, modernity comes in a few years. You can see, your surrounding people renovating their buildings and acquiring new technology.



Many giant topics like satellite, solar system, planet, space, astronauts need a deep study to know the deepest part of it. Yet, what we know about it, is enough to think How?, What?, Where? Why?, When? etc.

It is really amazing, to think that man has reached the moon and other planets of our solar system.

wonder of science essay


Man has created the artificial satellite, which is used for weather for casting, for running television, mobile etc. We know the benefits of each and every planet and satellite of our solar system.

It is so amazing to feel that astronauts cross the earth atmosphere and enter into space, where they spend some time. In fact, they get off from the spacecraft into the land of another planet. 

wonder of science essay

The most popular example is the EDUSAT satellite launched by scientists, which was specially designed for the educational service. 



Doctors are the God of people. They use the latest technology-based instruments. So they diagnose and treat the diseases. Before a few decades, some diseases were so dangerous and fatal. Some were so infectious and fatal.

But now easily curable. Before a few centuries, some diseases were just like epidemics. Poor-country was not able to handle those epidemic diseases. But now all those diseases are eradicated. 

You can think, how we all have been suffering from the pandemic disease for two years?. Due to the vaccination, how it is in controlled condition?.

Its effects are not going to happen as it was seeming in last year and before last year. Don’t it compel us to think about the advancedness of technology?

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There are so many inventions, which are indescribable. We all know on a daily basis how many technologies, we are using at our home, office or any other place. Now we are at this moment, that every latest information is in our fingertip.

Every year, new technology is arriving. Either we talk about electronic gadgets or any household utensils. Technology is going hurriedly in advance form.

A simple example, if I want to share, which will simplify your vision, that is, just look around yourself. Look at your home. See the television revolution from your childhood to today.

Your android phones, which you have purchased since a few years back. You will notice, a few decades ago, it was just a simple landline for communicating.

It was not speedy in revolution. But within 10-15 years, the revolution has become so speedy, and in a few years gap, you are taking new technology. Your android phones are in a variety of models and technology now.

In the Winter season, earlier people used an iron heater, grilled heater, fireplace to keep their room warm. Now people use air heaters with modern technology. Some heaters are not oxygen burning, which generally people scare about the heater and don’t use at the night. 



For the high production of the food crops. Science has used technology for desirable production. You would have noticed that earlier we were not able to find the unseasonal vegetables and fruits. We had to wait for the accurate season for that particular vegetable and fruit.

Biotechnology brought a revolution in between us. With the help of this technology, Now we find every vegetable and fruit throughout the year. 

wonder of science essay

Earlier, our crops had been damaged due to pests, extreme heat, rain etc. But these all plant species had been grown as pest resistance, heat resistance with the help of biotechnology.

If we were not able to find desirable yielding. Then biotechnology also helped us in this field and made the production more. 

I would like to give one example: You must have heard about BT COTTON. It was introduced in India in 2002.

The scientist has extracted the BTgenes from the bacteria. They introduced it into the cotton plants, where this gene undergoes the process of translation and transcription and turns into BT protein.

When the caterpillar( larva of the pest-first stage of developing the worm) engulf the cotton plants, BT protein enters into the gut of the caterpillar and become toxic and rupture the cells, leading to the death of the caterpillar. Thus scientists made pest-resistant plants.

Recombinant biotechnology has great scope. It is used to manufacture medicines, in gene therapy, in molecular biology, in DNA fingerprinting, in genetic disorders etc.

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Because we modern humans have a well-developed brain, due to this brain, we have done a lot of modern inventions, we have done many impossible things, we have reached other planets, we have dug the core of our planet, we have searched the whole land and ocean of our planet.

In fact, we have seen it from the satellite and created the map of our planet. We have seen our earth from other planets and from our own natural satellite the moon. We have created clones, we have created robots and many more uncountable things.

So we can assume how much technology keeps the importance in our life?. How we are surrounded by science and technology or by the wonders of science?.



I hope you will like this article “wonder of science essay “. After reading the article wonder of science essay, you will come to the fact the real meaning of the wonder of science. I hope this article must have also reminded you, of your childhood or your adulthood and you must have imagined your life before a few decades ago.

Thank You

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