Short Stories In English-Focus On Reading



Hello kids, “short stories in English” brought you two lovely, stories without copying from others. So read and enjoy the stories. 


There was a king in the jungle, he was too boastful and generally used to do big talk. He was physically giant and defeated anyone easily.

Before becoming the king he always used to show his power to other animals and used to say them to do voting and make him king. The other animals were not as powerful as him.

short stories in English


So they decided to make him king. When he became king. He always used to boast about himself and about his own particular area to the other kings of another jungle, that how he was too efficient to protect his area.

Once the natural calamity like flood, drought came into his area. But he was not able to protect his kingdom by himself.

Everybody had suggested him to take some help from other kings of the neighbouring Jungle. But as he was too boastful and arrogant, he did not want to take anyone’s help.

Moreover, the kings of another jungle did not want to help him, as they wanted that first he should have talked to them.

But the king did not bend down in front of them due to his arrogant nature. From this perspective, he lost a lot of animals and then went, to take help from the neighbouring kings.

 Anyhow his kingdom has been saved with the help of the other kings. But the animal living in his kingdom decided to change his king and they had selected a humble, polite and well-behaved king.

short stories in English


All the animals were cursing him a lot because they had lost their friends and relatives due to the foolishness of the king. King had never thought about his kingdom. 

Soon they had selected their king and the previous king, who was living his life as a normal way, was regretting a lot. He was thinking about the real character of the king. He was also analysing the importance of humbleness, politeness and kindness.


Boastful and arrogancy does not count anywhere, a real hero/leader is that, who is polite, humble, grounded and active by nature, matters a lot.

Moreover having the quality of dedication, intelligence, understand own kingdom as his family, loves work for others, not for luxury and power.

Having the quality of doing anything for protecting the kingdom at the cost of the life of himself.

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Short stories in English brought you another story that is based on facts. Hope you will enjoy it.


Have you ever noticed, penguins? How do they walk? quite funny …right….

Penguins are amazing birds. Those cute penguins are really unique. When we watch them on television, we just overwhelmed while watching television. I would like to tell you some fun facts about penguins.

1)Penguins are flightless birds, while other birds have wings for flying.

2) Penguins can walk faster than humans.

short stories in English


3)Penguins eat a range of fish and other sea life that they can catch underwater.

4)Penguins spend around half their time in water and the other half on land.

5)The emperor penguin is the tallest of all the penguin species reaching as tall as 120 cm. in height.

6)Emperor penguins can stay underwater for around 20 minutes at a time.

7)They are very social and love to live in a large group.

short stories in English


8)They enjoy sliding on their bellies down icebergs.      

9)Penguins have adapted flippers to help them swim in the water.

10)They have adapted to the cold environment in a way that makes them pretty special.

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