Good Habits For Kids-Readers Must Follow




Everybody wants a well-mannered child. A mother can feel proud when she knows her child is rich in values. A father feels proud, when he knows, his child is doing well in his career and study. If a child has good habits and manners along with the values and career, every parent will feel themselves in seventh heaven.

A good-mannered child becomes admirable everywhere. They receive good blessings from all their close ones. No matter how they are succeeding in their career but in overall life, they can’t be failures.



I would like to take the good habits for kids article into the deep down to the knowledge of the sea. No matter how bad a life partner is in their luck but their intelligence, their way of dealing with the situations, their fair mind, their good heart, their inclination towards non-partiality and many more qualities will save your child from wrongdoing.

Moreover, anyone has to bend down with these qualities and has to leave their evilness. Because at the end, only qualities, and values matter to run the life in a good way.

Don’t raise your child for short-term goals. We all know how life is going very competitive and fast. An understanding, maturity, a good genuine thought, positivity, sincerity, sociality, broad thinking, purity of mind, heart and soul will help him to reach the top with happiness. 

No matter how smart you are, no matter how experienced are you at this age, but when it comes to your child, you have to be very conscious. Because it will shape his or her personality.

So be careful, even if you are suppressing and comparing your child with his friends for a small matter. Be aware of it, while you are talking negatively to anyone. You can imagine, they will do the same.

I m not saying that they have to be innocent and unaware of the world’s negativity. But awaring about all those things, the mindset should be progressive, pure, positive and mankind.

The most challenging thing, which is emerging in our society, that is the high level of ego. A person of any age is completely swaddled by a high level of ego. People are in the aggressive mode most of the time due to their lifestyles.

Do you want your child’s future bright in all aspects? Today, how do you see their future?. Do you know, you are bringing them up in a very good environment?.

Today I would like to discuss some important and basic aspects in my article “good habits for kids” . which you must follow if you want to give a good environment to your child.

Whether your child is young, or a teenager, this article will help you a lot in every aspect.

good habits for kids



You know very well, that this life is full of challenges. Raising a child is not a piece of cake. As a parent, you have to do a lot of effort. But however, at the end of the day, you think, you might have missed something. Or something you missed out on rearing them.

Sometimes it’s quite often to feel like goosebumps when you spontaneously think about their future. Isn’t it?.

Don’t you get scared, after 20, 30 years, what will happen?. How many challenges will be there for your child to face?

Being responsible parents, it’s your duty that your kids should be grown up with good habits so that in the future, they would be able to tackle any kind of challenges.

For this purpose, you should develop good habits in them.



I will discuss this in a friendly way. If we just take a glimpse of ourselves, can’t we notice what is going on around us?. Whether in our family or anywhere.

We can notice, now these days, we are becoming less patient, more reactive, less analyzing ourselves and more observing others.

What kind of environment we are creating for our child? What are our kids learning from us?.

Will, they not become less patient in the future?.  How will they fight themselves and how will they face the challenges in their environment?.



 Before going to discuss some common habits which you know very well and want to improve for your kids. Firstly I would like to discuss some important things.

You should bring up your child for the future, in practical aspects. You should rear them up like they would be successful in their whole life, not till they achieve their career.

good habits for kids




What our society’s mind has prepared that girls will go to another home. So she has to learn all the household chores.

Don’t you think if the same kind of thinking, a family will keep having a male child and marry their boy with your daughter, so how will your daughter will carry huge responsibility, if somehow she wants to do the job then how will she manage?.

Don’t you think it should be equal sharing of responsibility of both husband and wife either cooking or anything? It will make their life smooth and they can face their challenges togetherly. They will not become challenging for one another.

Discipline and other habits are also included in these aspects too. The more discipline they keep, the more systematic their life will be.


Parents should need to give them small- small responsibilities. Telling them its value every time. It is not required to full fill their demand every time. They can become greedy. It is necessary to realize them the value of hard work.


Don’t pamper them every time, until they do good work and obey you. Kids will get addicted to these things and will depend on you more.

And moreover, having the biased thought about pampering the child would be more dangerous in the long term. If your child feels inequality, it will create jealous emotions in them. We should tell them appreciation is only for good things and good work.


But if you feel that your child wants to do good things but is incapable to do it. So it is very important to motivate them and encourage them.

It will boost their confidence to do work well along with pushing them promptly to go ahead in life.


Every child has his/her own talent, if someone is good at particular things then another one is good at another thing.

You can motivate them, according to their interest, but along with these things you have to be alert that their interest field will lead them in a good direction or not.

You need to make a balance between all these things.


Moreover, time management should be there in all the things, if the child is taking a lot of time to do one thing. He can be sticky, less confident, slow, a comfort zone lover and snobbish too.

You should make some changes in their routine also from time to time. So it will make them flexible to the environment and will learn to adjust too.


 The worst thing as a parent, people do is that they just want to control them, they think these kids are their property. They don’t give them independence.

And what do they do sometimes?. They use them and constrain them to tolerate their irritation and frustration. In this way, they suppress them a lot and suppress their ego.


Parents should create a good and positive environment at home. It is highly prohibited to do backbiting, scolding, unwillingness, anger and hatred in front of the kids.


They can become like this too. It will affect their physical and mental ability and is more likely to inhibit their growth.


A moral story should always be part of your daily routine. A moral story can develop good habits in them. You should not limit them to particular things but you make them aware of national, and international news too.

Never forget to tell them about the history or ancient period of our country. It will develop affinity toward the nations, towards our great leaders in them, and you will not only be able to enhance their knowledge but you help them to feel for being part of this nation and globe.


Daily current news will not only help in their day-to-day life. But it will boost their confidence and ability to be aware of their surroundings.

It will help them in cracking the competitive examination. If your child is small, so you can make him aware of current or static General Knowledge by telling the story. These all efforts will put him away from the negativity. 


Spirituality is necessary to develop and keep them in the ground. You can take them to a religious place from time to time.

It will keep them calm. They will feel good and energetic to face the challenges of daily life. It will not raise their ego.


Parents should not scold them unnecessarily for small things. Many times “silence and keeping distance” tactics are the best treatment for treating the kids to realize their mistakes.


Parents should Avoid conflict in front of them. Listening, understanding and guiding them in a friendly manner, can help them to grow their personality in a positive way. It is mandatory to show your love to them.


You should also teach them to love pets. Telling them their importance and teaching them to socialize could be the biggest tool in bringing them the quality like empathy, sympathy, and compassion.

They will learn to help others. They will learn sensitivity towards others.

Along with that, there is a great need to teach maintaining hygiene with pets. Developing any hobby will put you near to your child.




Meanwhile don’t forget to take the feedback from the school about the child either positive or negative. Be in touch with the school regularly.

And don’t take their feedback negatively. You should think that for the best growth of the child, you need to be cooperative with schools, where your child’s future is developing.

In addition to behavioural growth, I would like to focus on some other important aspects which can not be ignorable at any cost.



Good habits for kids article does not tell you about the advice for the parents in the context of behavioural growth, but it focuses on personnel growth too.


Make sure your child‘s nails and teeth should be properly cleaned and washed. Tell them how important is to do brushing twice a day.

You have to make them understand that if they will not brush then germs will infect their teeth and their teeth will be spoiled.

good habits for kids

 I have seen people, especially old family members who share a single plate with their grandchild for the shake of love. This habit leads to germs infection in their teeth.


A daily bath is necessary for properly cleaning the body.  I have seen such kids who are not happy to take bath. They do a lot of tantrums before taking bath.

You should tell them how important is to wash daily, especially in the private parts area, and the underarm area. If you care less about bathing, they will prone to serious diseases.

Proper cleaning of the scalp will reduce the growth of dandruff and lice. The outside environment is not pollution-free.

The atmosphere is full of pollution. There are dust and dirt outside, even when we don’t clean our closed home for a single day, we find it dirty.

So make them understand like “as we do brooming and mopping in our house to keep safe our home from dirt, we also have to clean our body”. 

So they will be happy to take bath and understand its importance. You can show them the dust of home also.


Make sure, your child wear washed clothes after bathing. If the same clothes they wear, the dead cells of the body stick in the clothes causing itching and leading to skin infections.

Moreover, they will get to know how we feel good and refreshed when we wear neat and clean clothes.


Putting the washed clothes in the cupboard/almirah along with proper hygiene should be mandatory. It will keep safe for your child’s clothes, and in turn, your child will be safe.  


A healthy diet will give them proper nourishment and helps them to grow properly. A balanced diet will also keep far away to your child from different types of diseases. Because it boosts their immune system.

For getting detail about health and hygiene, you must go through the article HEALTH AND HYGIENE.


When you see, your child has come from the school, make sure he will put his shoes outside in the shoe rack. Tell them to wash their hands, face and feet and then change their clothes.

If the season is summer, they can take bath after coming from school. After taking bath, they can take food or can do any of the work they wish to do.

Good habits for kids article told you a lot of methods for the betterment of the future for the kids, if you want to discuss any additional method, you are welcome to share.

good habits for kids



Good habits for kids are really very necessary for kids or your teenager child to make his future well. If you are visiting here for the first time.

Don’t take it as a burden to follow. Reading after reading you can make your habit to follow these things. You can pick up only one thing at a time. After a week, when you feel like getting mastered on it. You can go for the next thing.

Don’t worry, it’s better to be slow with continuity instead of fast with discontinuity. It will help you to make a proper routine. I hope you liked my article Good habits for kids.

Thank you…..

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